Post by puzzled on Apr 24, 2006 14:57:14 GMT -5
I was at a meeting recently where white wine was used for the emblems.
I asked the elder about it afterward, having never seen this before.
He said that they usually do this as there's no scripture against it.
Post by guest5 on Apr 24, 2006 15:07:54 GMT -5
The white wine is still made from grapes, right? And that is the fruit of the vine. Is the color of grapes shown in the Bible someplace?
Post by jxr on Apr 25, 2006 5:36:02 GMT -5
The white wine is still made from grapes, right? And that is the fruit of the vine. Is the color of grapes shown in the Bible someplace? Er... wait a minute... ?!
Post by guest5 on Apr 25, 2006 7:10:55 GMT -5
Not the same jxr.
Post by jxr on Apr 25, 2006 9:21:05 GMT -5
Is that: not, the same jxr not the same, jxr not the, same jxr I'm not sure of the intent of your comment. Yes, I deliberately edited the quote to illustrate the connection I was alluding to. The wine/cup/<whatever you want to call it> is a token (or the real thing, if you believe in transubstantiation) of Jesus' shed blood. I'd take it to be the whole blood, not just the white blood cells, not just the plasma. Thus, it makes sense that the wine should be red.
Post by ex-teenager on Apr 25, 2006 9:26:07 GMT -5
I agree.. makes sense for it to be red!
Post by slow to see on Apr 25, 2006 9:34:57 GMT -5
Yes, I deliberately edited the quote to illustrate the connection I was alluding to. The wine/cup/<whatever you want to call it> is a token (or the real thing, if you believe in transubstantiation) of Jesus' shed blood. I'd take it to be the whole blood, not just the white blood cells, not just the plasma. Thus, it makes sense that the wine should be red Hi there, I am curious to know if you also feel it is important to have the CORRECT colour of bread, as it represents his body? jWould we need to change to black or brown bread or ?? Some people feel it is important that the bread needs to be unleavened. For myself, I don't feel it matters as to the "correct" color , unleavened , black , white or whatever, but the motive and reason behind it , which is to REMEMBER Jesus. It would be easy to miss worshipping HIM in "spirit and in truth" by disagreeing with the METHOD one does it in. I knew a man who was very upset when the group decided to use grape juice , instead of fermented wine for the "emblem". When it was time for communion, and the grape juice was passed around, he would "make a scene" ( I am fairly sure he looked at it as being the correct example and standing for "truth") and go outside to his car and drink his "correct" wine. Alvin
Post by jxr on Apr 25, 2006 9:45:14 GMT -5
By extension, Jesus' first (recorded) miracle involved turning water into wine, so why not dispense with the expense of buying wine or even grape juice, and just send a glass of water around?
As to your friend who had to go out to his car for his wine, did you suggest he bring it in and share it around?
Post by slow to see on Apr 25, 2006 9:52:49 GMT -5
Sure, why not water, or whatever else is available . The importance is to remember HIM. To clarify about my "friend", I was a young lad when this was happening and , no , I don't recalll him sharing it with others there. He was quite the interesting character , really. There was a dispute with another man about some money he owed him, and it was "agreed" on finally, that yes, he did owe the money to the man, BUT on the cheque to this other fellow he wrote "a true Christian would not cash this cheque". Kinda put the pressure on the guy , when he went to cash his cheque at the bank. ~~~~~~~~ oh, yes, WE are a funny bunch of "animals", eh? Oooppps, back to the topic ,now. Do you feel it is important to have the "correct" color of bread for communion?
Post by slow to see on Apr 25, 2006 10:03:07 GMT -5
Sure, why not water, or whatever else is available . The importance ...
Sounds a little flippant, maybe. I was thinking of situations where people would not have access to "the fruit of the vine", like in prison or too poor or remote northern areas etc. etc. etc.
Post by inconsistent on Apr 25, 2006 11:32:16 GMT -5
This is just another example of the total inconsistency of the 2x2's. They just do whatever they want, don't stick to the rules, wander aimlessly all over the doctrinal landscape denying responsibility for it.