Post by look on Apr 18, 2006 19:36:34 GMT -5
look at the row of faces in your post, then say it again
Post by Simple on Apr 18, 2006 20:18:03 GMT -5
look at the row of faces in your post, then say it again Yeah, I blow a 50 amp fuse !!!!! Whew !!!!! I feel better now......................
Post by Simple on Apr 18, 2006 20:19:30 GMT -5
look at the row of faces in your post, then say it again You should get your head back in the sand soon, the Truth is near !!
Post by sandlot world on Apr 18, 2006 21:42:05 GMT -5
look at the row of faces in your post, then say it again You should get your head back in the sand soon, the Truth is near !! Hey, now, it is not us that have our heads in the sand!! ;D The sand seems to keep you quite content in your own little 'world' .
Post by gubut on Apr 18, 2006 22:33:46 GMT -5
guts and buts
Post by if on Apr 18, 2006 22:41:12 GMT -5
look at the row of faces in your post, then say it again You should get your head back in the sand soon, the Truth is near !! if it be near, how come you are not seeing it?
Post by well on Apr 19, 2006 16:34:08 GMT -5
You should get your head back in the sand soon, the Truth is near !! if it be near, how come you are not seeing it? well how come?
Post by Simple on Apr 19, 2006 17:53:06 GMT -5
if it be near, how come you are not seeing it? well how come? God did show me his Truth, what did he show you? I figure you can't answer that question. I have never met a 2x2 who could. Just go ahead and tell me I'm crazy, and self rightous for seeing your blindness, and the nerve of mentioning it. I hope you can get with the program. Learn to think for yourself Learn to see for yourself Learn to get food for yourself Quit being a baby Christian All you need is Jesus............... Jesus will help you when your ready to grow up some. Bon Voyage
Post by Greg Lee unplugged on Apr 19, 2006 18:33:02 GMT -5
Would you say the workers are not true servants? True servants of whom?
Post by ex-teenager on Apr 19, 2006 18:44:32 GMT -5
Would you say the workers are not true servants? True servants of whom? of Jesus.
Post by well on Apr 19, 2006 18:51:35 GMT -5
God did show me his Truth, what did he show you? I figure you can't answer that question. I have never met a 2x2 who could. Just go ahead and tell me I'm crazy, and self rightous for seeing your blindness, and the nerve of mentioning it. I hope you can get with the program. Learn to think for yourself Learn to see for yourself Learn to get food for yourself Quit being a baby Christian All you need is Jesus............... Jesus will help you when your ready to grow up some. Bon Voyage well if He has, you are not following it do you know how I can tell? the rest of your lines they tell all of how you feel towards certain people with certain beliefs, and that certainly ain't following the Truth as it is in Jesus.
Post by Simple on Apr 19, 2006 20:23:16 GMT -5
God did show me his Truth, what did he show you? I figure you can't answer that question. I have never met a 2x2 who could. Just go ahead and tell me I'm crazy, and self rightous for seeing your blindness, and the nerve of mentioning it. I hope you can get with the program. Learn to think for yourself Learn to see for yourself Learn to get food for yourself Quit being a baby Christian All you need is Jesus............... Jesus will help you when your ready to grow up some. Bon Voyage well if He has, you are not following it do you know how I can tell? the rest of your lines they tell all of how you feel towards certain people with certain beliefs, and that certainly ain't following the Truth as it is in Jesus. So God taught you to tell me I am not following Jesus? In the book of Jude we read of the mockers If there ever was a bunch of mockers, it is the workers with their own little gospel about themselves, not Jesus. No, according to the workers the 2x2's are the only real Christians. So the workers mock the work of God in all of Christianity, They are quite partial to themselves. Only the blindness of the flesh could conceive such delusion I remember back in 1998 when I first met a worker and he told me that their ministry goes back all the way to Jesus on the shores of Galilee, and they are the only real Christians around. Wow, how come the only real Christians around hide in the darkness? Are you going to answer the question? Or just keep dancing?
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Apr 19, 2006 22:18:06 GMT -5
well if He has, you are not following it do you know how I can tell? the rest of your lines they tell all of how you feel towards certain people with certain beliefs, and that certainly ain't following the Truth as it is in Jesus. So God taught you to tell me I am not following Jesus? In the book of Jude we read of the mockers If there ever was a bunch of mockers, it is the workers with their own little gospel about themselves, not Jesus. No, according to the workers the 2x2's are the only real Christians. So the workers mock the work of God in all of Christianity, They are quite partial to themselves. Only the blindness of the flesh could conceive such delusion I remember back in 1998 when I first met a worker and he told me that their ministry goes back all the way to Jesus on the shores of Galilee, and they are the only real Christians around. Wow, how come the only real Christians around hide in the darkness? Are you going to answer the question? Or just keep dancing? why would God teach me that? and the rest is just another rant
Post by prayhard on Apr 22, 2006 12:55:30 GMT -5
Mat 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
When they preach this, please stand up and ask them:
Do you heal the sick?
Do you cleanse lepers?
Do you raise the dead?
Do you cast out devils?
If they answer "no" to any of these questions, then they are NOT following Matthew 10.
Post by JUST DANCING on Apr 22, 2006 13:36:50 GMT -5
why would God teach me that? and the rest is just another rant looks like we get to watch the dancing
Post by hi5 on Apr 22, 2006 20:22:49 GMT -5
I see the workers as a legimate form of ministry. Nothing wrong with them. I JUST REFUSE to see them as the ONLY link from man to Christ! One can be saved without "professing" in one of their gospel meetings. That is where I believe the workers err. Again I believe some are Christians and have brought people to Jesus. But so have the so-called worldly/false (as they see them) preachers of the religious world! The workers as a group are so hung up on the meeting in the home/minister without a home bit that they ignore Christians who aren't "professing". Which is a sad thing indeed.
Post by icare on Apr 22, 2006 20:48:21 GMT -5
I would like to make one observation. If the ministry wasn't important, I guess I wouldn't be on this site....right now, as it wouldn't matter anyway what anyone believes....
I guess I am here because I care, and do like others to appreciate it, also....
Post by do on Apr 23, 2006 4:25:07 GMT -5
Mat 10: 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. When they preach this, please stand up and ask them: Do you heal the sick? Do you cleanse lepers? Do you raise the dead? Do you cast out devils? If they answer "no" to any of these questions, then they are NOT following Matthew 10. are you able to do those things?
Post by Matt 10 on Apr 23, 2006 15:38:09 GMT -5
Is anyone able to do all those things?
Post by prayhard on Apr 23, 2006 17:24:16 GMT -5
Dear "Do," (aka syd)
Of course I cannot do those things in Matt 10, such as RAISING THE DEAD. That is why I would never preach that I am one of the only "true" ministers because I say I am following the instructions in that chapter, when, in fact, I do not.
Therefore, they DO NOT follow Matt 10, ok?
Workers may be 'itinerent' (at least the ones who are not provided an apartment), but they do NOT do MOST of the things Christ instructs his disciples to do in Matthew 10.
Matt 10 does not qualify "truth" workers as the "true" ministers.
Right. Workers are caught up with method, not MESSAGE.
The MESSAGE is Christ, and Christ is the only METHOD. It is not what workers did, do or will do that does anything for anyone's salvation.
There is only one way, one truth and one life. ONE LIFE.
Did you get that?
That life is Christ.
That life is Christ ALONE.
There is nothing a worker can do, following rules or anything else that qualifies them as a "true" minister. They are no better than you or I. Anyone who preaches Jesus as the only way is already a minister.
If lifestyle merits one's worthiness to preach, tell that to Father Abraham, King David and the Apostle Paul. Their lifestyles were faaaarrrrr from perfect. Yet, they were still used by God because they preached God's TRUTH of Jesus, the Messiah to come and the Messiah that came.
They did not preach themselves or a method.
Post by faith2 on Apr 23, 2006 20:00:47 GMT -5
Mat 10: 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. When they preach this, please stand up and ask them: Do you heal the sick? Do you cleanse lepers? Do you raise the dead? Do you cast out devils? If they answer "no" to any of these questions, then they are NOT following Matthew 10. are you able to do those things? Of course no one can do those things in the natural, physical sense. The workers believe they bring the spiritually sick to Jesus to be healed; the spiritual lepers to be cleansed; the spiritually dead to be raised to life; the evil spirits in peoples lives to be replaced with the Holy Ghost. They do not believe that they can do these things themselves but that people are brought to Christ through their preaching and that it is through faith in Jesus that they are healed etc. They do believe that they have the only correct form of ministry.
Post by Simple on Apr 23, 2006 20:15:32 GMT -5
are you able to do those things? Of course no one can do those things in the natural, physical sense. The workers believe they bring the spiritually sick to Jesus to be healed; the spiritual lepers to be cleansed; the spiritually dead to be raised to life; the evil spirits in peoples lives to be replaced with the Holy Ghost. They do not believe that they can do these things themselves but that people are brought to Christ through their preaching and that it is through faith in Jesus that they are healed etc. They do believe that they have the only correct form of ministry. Would that be the heartless, avoid the needy, ministry of the Pretentious Parrots?
Post by Murasama on Apr 23, 2006 21:59:23 GMT -5
This is exactly the same sermon I heard in the last mission I ever attended. The clear-cut abuse of scripture which is repeated by the above person gave impetus to my decision to leave. The fact that the apostles (through the power of the H.S.) did those things in the natural, physical sense proves that the workers are not really following the mandate of Matthew 10.
Whether or not some/many workers are true Christian evangelists/preachers/teachers is a different question. But they do not follow Matthew 10 and it is absurd to argue that they do.
New Member
Posts: 32
Post by Me on Apr 23, 2006 22:40:13 GMT -5
This is exactly the same sermon I heard in the last mission I ever attended. The clear-cut abuse of scripture which is repeated by the above person gave impetus to my decision to leave. The fact that the apostles (through the power of the H.S.) did those things in the natural, physical sense proves that the workers are not really following the mandate of Matthew 10. Whether or not some/many workers are true Christian evangelists/preachers/teachers is a different question. But they do not follow Matthew 10 and it is absurd to argue that they do. i told you this is not the place for telling jokes
Post by prayhard on Apr 26, 2006 21:01:23 GMT -5
Workers can believe whatever they want. But, Jesus did not instruct the disciples to "spiritually" heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead. He instructed them to literally "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead."
I don't see the word "spiritually" anywhere in that chapter, nor do I see Christ instructing them to do these things, "spiritually."
pentacostalists have truth
Post by pentacostalists have truth on Apr 27, 2006 5:31:30 GMT -5
Maybe pentacostalists have the truth. They believe in healing, speaking in tongues. Some radical sects even believe in handling poisonous snakes, drinking poison. Still other sects forbid that the sick be treated by modern medicine....even children, who have no say.
Praise Jeeezuss, hallelujah!
Post by hi5 on Apr 27, 2006 10:15:34 GMT -5
Workers aren't the true ministers. Neither are JWs, Mormons, or any other clergy out there. I have heard workers state the "one must be led to God's true servants" in order to find salvation. Almost as if the ministry is some screen door one must pass through before reaching Jesus. Groups don't save people. We are individuals before God. Professing, having a meeting in your home, having an open home for the servants etc.. WILL NOT SAVE YOU. And you don't have to attend the fellowship meetings to be saved. JESUS SAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by To Teenager on Apr 27, 2006 12:02:19 GMT -5
Maybe you can answer your own question.
Are the workers true servants? Do they serve you or do they seek to be served by you?
Jesus used an interesting analogy when He spoke with His disciples on serving. Who is the greatest the one who sits at meat or the one who serves.
So teenager, do the workers serve? or do they seek to be served?