Post by Worker Harvey on Apr 13, 2006 11:45:33 GMT -5
I recently met Worker Harvey (last name ?) in the United States. Worker Harvey is from Alberta Canada on the jet set tour. We had a discussion of Jesus and his relationship to God. Worker Harvey does not understand the concept of the Trinity and has a problem with anyone who does. Has anyone from Canada has experiences with a worker with the first name of Harvey?
Post by Harvey Purves on Apr 13, 2006 11:51:56 GMT -5
How about Harvey Purves?
Post by Purves on Apr 13, 2006 11:57:30 GMT -5
Harvey Purves is probably the worker you're seeking knowledge about.
HP not to bright either
Post by HP not to bright either on Apr 13, 2006 13:08:15 GMT -5
HP is also a poor speaker, and can not read his own notes.... he took a funeral of a distant relative, and mixed the concepts written by the family, up so badly, by not placing sentence ends where they were supposed to be... ended up he stated the opposite of what was intended.... had the crowd silently shaking in mirth, which created lasting jokes to this day... the poor old lady's funeral, ended up being a blast of humor.... but it united the crowd of mourners quickly in comedy.... ah... as we all rushed for the entrance after the last words, gasping with the struggle of holding our laughter until we were outside the building, each of us hoping no one noticed...if I was the neighbor across the street, I'd a been wondering.....
just someone from alberta
Post by just someone from alberta on Apr 13, 2006 14:48:11 GMT -5
I know Harvey Purves, He seems to be a very nice and gentle spirit. (from my experience anyway) He has always been a funny sort! His nickname is HA! HA! HARVEY! He is always cracking jokes some he doesn't even realize. I really like him. He is very down to earth and friendly.
Post by Know on Apr 13, 2006 17:21:27 GMT -5
I know Harvey well, and yes he does struggle to speak, and read, he has dyslexia. Everyone who knows him has always admired his determination and to our kids there was no one like Harvey. He has that distinctive Ha, Ha alright. Haven't seen him for a few yrs, but someone said he was getting much better
Post by nadine on Apr 14, 2006 10:32:37 GMT -5
Harvey, I believe, is a very good speaker. He was recently in our field. I learned much from him. He has a great big heart. And yes, he does have dyslexia. Anyone with an understanding of learning disabilities would understand how noble a thing it would be to give one's life to the ministry, when one has the disability.