Post by C Moore on Apr 10, 2006 11:50:02 GMT -5
I am fed up with all this bullsh- in here!!!!! You people make me sick! Talking about the workers all the time! You idol-worshippers!!!! Get over it! They are only humans! The only difference is they recieve tax-free room & board, along with free meals & year around vacation in peoples homes & convention grounds. You all are just jealous because you have to work a boring job & you are strapped to the working gun with no way out! Join the crowd! Pilgrims! Forget about those workers & move on with your lives!!!!!! C. Moore
Post by xvc on Apr 10, 2006 13:49:19 GMT -5
you are nothing more then a worker wantabe.
how come you did not go into the work?
Post by nutcase on Apr 10, 2006 14:21:19 GMT -5
I am fed up with all this bullsh- in here!!!!! You people make me sick! Talking about the workers all the time! You idol-worshippers!!!! Get over it! They are only humans! The only difference is they recieve tax-free room & board, along with free meals & year around vacation in peoples homes & convention grounds. You all are just jealous because you have to work a boring job & you are strapped to the working gun with no way out! Join the crowd! Pilgrims! Forget about those workers & move on with your lives!!!!!! C. Moore LOL Nice post troll!
Post by withopeneyes (Mandy) on Apr 10, 2006 14:51:10 GMT -5
Well, I must admit, I am sick of people picking apart workers- as if they are gods. They ARE indeed human, with human desires, and human thinking, and human mistakes.
I'm not perfect- are you?
Post by huh on Apr 10, 2006 15:37:56 GMT -5
They claim to be closer to God than human beings. They claim to be the TRUE servants of God. So no wonder some people get put out when they aren't living up to the high expectations THEY place upon themselves.
Post by Simple on Apr 10, 2006 15:51:26 GMT -5
I am fed up with all this bullsh- in here!!!!! You people make me sick! Talking about the workers all the time! You idol-worshippers!!!! Get over it! They are only humans! The only difference is they recieve tax-free room & board, along with free meals & year around vacation in peoples homes & convention grounds. You all are just jealous because you have to work a boring job & you are strapped to the working gun with no way out! Join the crowd! Pilgrims! Forget about those workers & move on with your lives!!!!!! C. Moore You first !!!!
Post by crybaby on Apr 10, 2006 15:56:24 GMT -5
I am fed up with all this bullsh- in here!!!!! You people make me sick! Talking about the workers all the time! You idol-worshippers!!!! Get over it! They are only humans! The only difference is they recieve tax-free room & board, along with free meals & year around vacation in peoples homes & convention grounds. You all are just jealous because you have to work a boring job & you are strapped to the working gun with no way out! Join the crowd! Pilgrims! Forget about those workers & move on with your lives!!!!!! C. Moore You are such a crybaby. No wonder your book was such a flop.
Post by DOoo on Apr 10, 2006 16:01:50 GMT -5
They claim to be closer to God than human beings. They claim to be the TRUE servants of God. So no wonder some people get put out when they aren't living up to the high expectations THEY place upon themselves. DOooo you know for sure that they are not closer to God? In fact do you know what an angel looks like? You really do not know so why inject bias.
Post by firstborn on Apr 10, 2006 16:47:20 GMT -5
Well, I must admit, I am sick of people picking apart workers- as if they are gods. They ARE indeed human, with human desires, and human thinking, and human mistakes. I'm not perfect- are you? I can see where some people can have a attitude toward some, myself I was denied being baptized by the Ia. head worker at that time because I owned a t.v. and no, I didn't play the game and I had it in full view.Now my wife would be aloud to be baptized be cause I was the man of the house and she was subject to me, that was their explanation. I was mad and hurt at the same time. Sunday the day of the baptism I was walking to the bathroom clearly disgusted and a sister worker stopped me and said what's wrong? I told her the story and with tears in her eyes she went and made a stand for me. I don't know what she told him but she came back and said I would be aloud. Thank you Sherri S for taking a stand for me because, I'm not perfect...
Post by withopeneyes (Mandy) on Apr 10, 2006 22:52:04 GMT -5
Hmm, we have a tv (use to be in the livingroom, now its in our bedroom, not because we are hiding it though) and we were allowed to be baptised. Some friends told us we might want to think about ditching it, but we didnt.
Post by ex-teenager on Apr 11, 2006 3:54:22 GMT -5
They claim to be closer to God than human beings. They claim to be the TRUE servants of God. So no wonder some people get put out when they aren't living up to the high expectations THEY place upon themselves. Peter was a TRUE servant. He even went as far as denying Christ. Does that mean he wasnt a true servent?
Post by duh on Apr 11, 2006 6:30:26 GMT -5
They claim to be closer to God than human beings. They claim to be the TRUE servants of God. So no wonder some people get put out when they aren't living up to the high expectations THEY place upon themselves. Peter was a TRUE servant. He even went as far as denying Christ. Does that mean he wasnt a true servent? Of course not, it only means that you have placed Peter and the workers on the same level by your comment.
Post by cmoore idols on Apr 11, 2006 6:32:12 GMT -5
You people make me sick! Talking about the workers all the time! You idol-worshippers!!!! C. Moore I suspected you idolized the workers. This merely confirms it.
Post by ex-teenager on Apr 11, 2006 6:33:19 GMT -5
Peter was a TRUE servant. He even went as far as denying Christ. Does that mean he wasnt a true servent? Of course not, it only means that you have placed Peter and the workers on the same level by your comment. Im simply saying that any man can fail.
Post by claims on Apr 11, 2006 7:33:45 GMT -5
"They claim to be closer to God than human beings."
Do they? Who? where ? when?
Post by trigger on Apr 11, 2006 12:52:20 GMT -5
By insisting that the only way a person can be saved is by professing through them!!! Not all of them overtly place themselves on a higher plane than the rest of the human race, but by supporting the idea and practice of it being necessary to profess through them to be saved they essentially are all sending the message that they are higher than the rest of us.
Post by for blind nathan on Apr 11, 2006 16:14:14 GMT -5
LEO STANCLIFF: My hope of salvation is the blood of Christ. But I would like to explain to you what it means. The blood of Christ is the ministry and the church in the home. Without the New Testament ministry you don't have the blood of Christ which includes the church in the home. The forgiveness of sins is a fringe benefit. [1981] REF #378
HOWARD MOONEY: The great satisfaction she got out of life was in knowing that she stood between God and man and had shared with them the things God had shared with her. [Funeral of Nellie Williams 8/13/83] REF #341
JACK CARROLL: For the spirit and attitude you assume toward those that have made themselves poor, homeless, and strangers for the gospel's sake will ultimately determine where you will be in eternity. [Manhattan MT Conv 10/4/45] REF #162
You must receive the Lord and you do this through the power of one of us. [Los Angeles CA Special Meeting Senior Brother Worker 3/10/85] REF #158
You can only profess through our group. You cannot know our Heavenly Father through the traditional church. [Los Angeles CA Special Meeting, Senior Brother Worker 3/10/85] REF #158
WILSON McCLUNG: Peter speaks of a very important thing that must be in the life of the servant of God--it must be there. 1 Peter 1:10-12. There is no gospel preached, and there is no soul saved, and there is no extension of the Kingdom of God apart from the preacher preaching the Gospel by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven...The most important people in all the world today to God are His servants...
LEO STANCLIFF: We are here because of what we have in common through Christ. It is like seeing a stand of redwood trees in the forest. They are there because of a seed God created and planted Himself way beyond the memory of man. We have nothing in common naturally, but God sent His son to the earth with the seed of the gospel. Jesus didn't have any natural seed, no genealogy or bloodline. His seed was born of faith. Jesus was the pattern and example, living the life of a preacher, calling twelve to be the light of the world and to bear this precious seed. We have the fruit of that ministry. We cannot have a true church without a true ministry. Rom 8:2. [Funeral of Clinton Heldstab Chico, CA 4/23/88] REF #338
DONALD CAMPBELL: He has given to us a more excellent ministry. 2 Cor. 4:1-2 Therefore, seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not. We have received this ministry. There are no other people on the face of the earth that have the same ministry we have. They have the Bible, they sing hymns, but they do not have this ministry. The ministry that Jesus established for people - young men and women are voluntarily willing to make themselves poor in order that they can make others rich -- leave all. Paul said, in 2 Cor. 4:5 "we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus." We preach Jesus the Lord and ourselves our servants for Jesus sake. It goes on also - we which live are all able to enter into death for Jesus sake, that the life also of Jesus Christ might be made manifest in mortal flesh that life might be made within you. If death does not work within us, we cannot produce life. We have the same spirit of faith as it is written. Heb 11 tells us so many things that are profitable and that last chapter, "Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers." That shows they were doing it . . . and we are thankful for those who have been like angels. At Buenos Aires, one of the Friends there was saying, "I have two angels in my house." Donald Campbell is there from here. [Pukekohe NZ Conv 1986] REF #202
EDWARD COONEY: The interpretation of the scriptures was and is alone entrusted by Jesus to his destitute sent ones, primarily, and in a secondary sense to those in fellowship with them. [1907] REF #349
DAN HILTON: God's True Ministry can meet the needs of all the people all the time! [Olympia #1 WA Conv 1979] REF #178
WILLIE JAMIESON: The ministry has been the most important part of God's plan in every age. [Walla Walla WA 1960] REF #259
LENNIE LINK: The love of God is wrapped in human packages...His ministry. [Ronan MT Conv 6/14/73] REF #206
WALTER NELSON: No new birth without the human agency of the ministry. The ministry has a Master Key. [Boring OR 1967] REF #105
God's workers are the most loved people on the face of the earth. [Unidentified, undated 4-page Gem Notes] REF #314
WILLIS PROPP: God's servants are the understanding Authority of the word of God. [Olympia #1 WA Conv 1979] REF #178
LEO STANCLIFF: There are two things upon which the Truth of God rests, Jesus gave us the ministry and a way of fellowship. Now the ministry is the foundation of Christianity. [Sacramento CA 1980] REF #213
EVERETT SWANSON: We can always judge the state of a person's salvation by his attitude towards the Workers. [1985] REF #385
ELDON TENNISWOOD: You wouldn't think anyone would despise a Worker! Let no one despise thy youth. [Milltown WA Conv 8/28/88] REF #167
God has always chosen to convey His message through living epistles, the Workers. [Conv Gems] REF #317
BRUCE WADDELL: To lose confidence in the ministry would be losing confidence in all we believe...
This ministry came before the church and the church was built around the ministry. No salvation for any, apart from the ministry as given in the scriptures. [Olympia WA Conv 1957] REF #175
That should be more than enough to demonstrate that the claim has been made.
Post by nathan7 on Apr 11, 2006 16:19:58 GMT -5
To: for blind nathan:
Where does it say "workers are closer to God than human beings" in the workers' quotes?
Post by to the blind idiot on Apr 11, 2006 16:22:16 GMT -5
If a dog peed on your leg, I'd say "oh look, the dog took a leak on you", and you (in your literal glory) would say "on the contrary, he took nothing."
Get off your idiot-pillar and read, read, read. Learning won't hurt either.
Post by to blind idiot on Apr 11, 2006 16:22:56 GMT -5
"unlearned person" = I D I O T = nathan
Post by Simple on Apr 11, 2006 18:20:02 GMT -5
By insisting that the only way a person can be saved is by professing through them!!! Not all of them overtly place themselves on a higher plane than the rest of the human race, but by supporting the idea and practice of it being necessary to profess through them to be saved they essentially are all sending the message that they are higher than the rest of us. Yes it is evidence of their blindness.
Post by issues on Apr 11, 2006 21:31:58 GMT -5
"unlearned person" = I D I O T = nathan Please, attacks the issues not the person. No names calling, please. you never respond to the issues, you just keep blabbering your typical nonsense. seriously, you've contributed absolutely NOTHING to the world of 2x2-related dialogue. even your website with the so-called Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V (it's amusing that you have no clue why you even put them in Parts) is full of useless trivial tripe, most of which you copied from other sources, slightly modified with a few words here and there, and claimed as your own work. or, better yet, you put so-called articles that go against basic 2x2 teaching and claim it was written by a worker. you are not for real.
Post by for surreal on Apr 11, 2006 21:43:29 GMT -5
I am for real. Who are you really? LOL typical nathan reply... so surreal
Post by 2faced nate on Apr 11, 2006 22:12:27 GMT -5
LOL you used to jump around with handles yourself. I remember when you used to pretend you weren't the one who didn't say stuff. You argued over and over against registering, and now look at you. so two-faced.
Post by confused nate on Apr 11, 2006 22:13:52 GMT -5
This way the readers and I don't get confused in what you're saying. "The readers" are not confused. You are.
Post by nateismyhero on Apr 11, 2006 22:16:34 GMT -5
Nate, has it ever occurred to you that the reason all of these people say these things to you is because there is truth in them? Could it be that you are not aware of how you really operate?
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Posts: 249
Post by timber on Apr 12, 2006 0:17:30 GMT -5
I remember recently telling a worker that "it was all about Jesus" She responded, "Just be sure that it is the right/the true Jesus", and then went on to speak about false Christs, etc appearing.
I am saddened by remarks such as Leo Stancliffs. If the blood of Christ includes the church in the home, then many, nursing home bound, hospital bound, etc, were and are unable to avail themselves of the cleansing blood of Jesus.
Why do we meet in a home? Shouldn't the reason be because of Christ's cleansing blood - no, not because of meeting in a home, but because of something that happened in the heart regardless of where we found ourselves? To me, the blood of Christ and all that it means is explained very clearly in Hebrews 9. And, to say that forgiveness of sin is a fringe benefit, to me, borders on heresy. It is ESSENTIAL, not a fringe benefit.