Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2013 4:34:41 GMT -5
Here are a few new quotes from April. I thought to get them out quickly because my register was filling up fast!
I wish to add that I don't necessarily disbelieve these quotes - it's just that they sound so funny.
I included Ram's " Irvinism is idolatry" because many of us are accused here of not knowing the man, yet Irvine (Chief Exe) seems to be the Most Honored Guest right here on the TMB.
Most hilarious quote.
Funniest quotes.
Best Missing-The-Point quote.
Most interesting quotes.
Best cognitive dissonance quote.
Best unsubstantiated quotes
Funniest winners to date:
• brothers worker and sisters workers replacing glasses with contacts.
• Many of these old folks mean well. They are nearing the end of the journey and fear a "lost eternity" if they think too deep about their sacred beliefs.
• ... convention workers flee to their quarters.
• The workers have their version of the KJ Bible but unlike the JWs they are afraid to print it.
• Workers salt slugs.
• The F&W church is not a registered entity for tax compliance.
• I've stopped believing in a pass/fail system.
• Male workers apparently have to wear gold-toe socks. It's like one of those unwritten rules I think.
• The Truth fellowship meetings originated from England in the late 1800s and seems to be stuck in the traditions of that era. From the quiet room, handshake after meeting, to the dress code, black bible cases and dark suites…
• Folks make sure the beer bottles in the fridge are concealed when the workers come.
• One of the justifications that the workers will use is that the workers not having a home are cheaper to maintain.
• One worker stated … if you read funny papers from the newspaper on Sunday after fellowship meetings you were DEAD
• The only thing that the "J-O-Y" sermon produces, if taken to heart, is a bunch of dejected, self deprecating people trying to compete for last position. It is difficult to detect the joyful glint in that setup.
• Perhaps in the next 50 years, machine sheds will be history, and people will be saying, "Free at last, free at last."
• … the first workers begin to realize "hey, we're going to need to make some of our new converts into supporters for us." And thus the lower level of "friends or saints" was formed.
• There have been a number of death threats recorded (by the Workers) but no evidence that murder has yet taken place.
• … the norm in the meetings -Watching TV programs outside electrical shopfronts so that you can pretend you have a TV at school/work.
• One of the tenets of one organization is "get the new inductee to do something illegal, no matter how minor, and they are yours." This is basically how it works in the work.
• Workers ally themselves with sycophantic princes and princesses. The princes and princesses lord it over the peasants and have no care and no mercy towards them.
• (There are) certain diets, vitamins, and health practices used among the friends and workers. These are done so that professing folks stay slim and have that certain "professing" image.
• Moral assassinations are generally malicious gossip produced when competition is perceived for a professing privilege, and one professing person REALLY wants to win.
• There are more rules/pressures for professing females than for professing males. This could be due to there being more females than males - the bigger the group, the more competition to be noticed by others.
• Faith Mission was started by the founder being highly influenced by the Holiness movement. It's not surprising, with the Irvine using Faith Mission's style, that 2x2 women resemble Holiness women. Sort of a parent/child resemblance.
• My folks are comfortably off but weren't rich enough to be considered good enough to be associated with (the 2x2’s)
• I knew of workers who would visit friends' homes (including elders homes) when no one was home and go through closets and drawers and then later confront them with their findings.
• The arrogant, evil workers are not trash from the past.... They are a very real and present danger.
• … now that the workers have amassed lots of money, the friends are expendable.
• The term "this way" has become popular in recent years.
• I even heard somebody give a testimony about the "diverse temptations" being mermaids. Figure that one out.
• Some old school workers and friends still preach and teach that being happy is a sign of something wrong in your service to the Lord.
• Mr. Wm. Irvine is the Standard
• "Preaching of the cross?" Few workers do that and even those who do hardly touch on the subject.
• (There are) many indirect references to Jesus in meetings - that I found strange because why the avoidance of using his actual name.
• Try to convince an outsider that workers don't really have homes when they spend so much time on the convention grounds
• I don't think our particular form of doing church is anywhere to be found in Acts.
• Last big change in U.S. that I heard was no more praying into the chairs.
• (re definition of the “narrow way”) A narrow way, so narrow every person must walk it one at a time. No loving God would decree that people be stoned for any reason.
• The F&Ws have all the latest devices so they no longer have a "competitive advantage" on the supposed holiness that comes from not having a TV.
• It looks like people like to still have a sort of priesthood. That is an old notion that has stayed with us. A notion likely, again, preserved by the Catholic Church and handed to the protestants. So the workers hung on to it also.
• (re ownership of a TV) … inspired jealousy in those who did not possess such things. Jealousy, the green eyed monster is what needed preaching against and not every novel item of technology. IMO.
• It would seem in the Christian dimension there are workaholics, and there are graceaholics. The workaholics work themselves to death and then receive their reward, the graceaholics chill by the pool with a cold one, and receive the same reward.
• Try to get a worker or much less an overseer to leave conventions to go and help one person. I have tried. I get the same response with several overseers. "Too busy"
• When a senior worker asserted that King James English is "honorific English" it seemed best to leave him in his ignorance
• I think one thing I did not learn while in the fellowship and that was the desperate need to pray that God would increase my faith in Jesus Christ
• A worker once said to me "our usefulness is in fitting in". That could be said for any dictatorship.
• The Joe average six pack worker lives a double life.
• Most 2x2s wouldn't stop to help like the Samaritan did -- it would make them late for gospel meeting
• 2x2 sister workers are too homely to attract mates
• Workers asked us to trade bedrooms because they felt ours was warmer than theirs.
• It's unfortunate that we have to rely on the hymns to keep Jesus in the meetings.
• What God has preserved in our Bible hardly compares to what a few people have researched about the church history
• Peasants in South America who brought bread in from the fields to meetings, which was far richer and more wholesome than the workers got from their (King James's) bibles
• I get frustrated when I hear preachers begging for money to support themselves and the missions abroad
• Newsflash! Jesus was God; the word made flesh. Workers are just, well...workers.
• Workers over here back in the 60's believed they were Jesus in the 20th century. After all, he was only a man....and are we!
• Seems like I remember there is a worker that owns some oil wells in Texas.
• The fact that the original 12 didn't go out 2x2 probably explains why there is no evidence that 2x2 was part of the Acts of the Apostles.
• I submit they (workers) are referring to their choice to be celibate ministers is what gives them their alleged special revelation and authority.
• I would imagine that skipping gospel meetings is sending a pretty strong message to some of the workers. If people aren't willing to go listen to the same ol' same ol', it won't be long before the homes open to them becomes fewer also.
• … facing one's fear with positive views/input is the way to overcome the false guilt that the professing woman's uniform has instilled in many women.
• It seems to me that the friends steer clear of scriptural discussions as they subconsciously realise that they will be out of their depth…
• We have heard different accounts of how dogs wouldn't bark when saints enter the meeting home
• I have personally attended many, hundreds, of gospel meetings where Christ was not mentioned at all.
• I know some women who wouldn’t shave under their arms without asking the workers permission first.
• Forcing children to eat is considered part of breaking their wills and teaching them to submit to parental authority. If they refuse or cannot, the workers view it as rebellion.
• They (the women) submit to the men of the group who tend to wear dark-colored clothes and carry black-covered King James Versions of the Bible.
• I think that fear of reprisal is a big reason for the turnout (at convention)
• Wasn't Willie Irvine a coal miner before he found the mother lode in the pockets of his followers?
• Yes, the 2x2's will continue. But in the will be left, the other taken.
• Workers drown cats.
• The 2x2 copy and paste bible is not in my library anymore.
• The fact is the more I focus on Christ, the less I go to the gospel meetings because I really don't hear about Him there. The more I focus on Jesus the less I want to go to Sunday AM meeting because He isn't the focus He needs to be.
• I suggested (to a worker) that you can never go wrong preaching about salvation. He looked at me like I had 3 eyeballs and said "that's a subject that would REALLY get me in trouble".
• In our town those who had the intention to get baptized used to get a list of do's and don’ts before they qualify
• (re workers) The friend's bedrooms are safer and more comfortable than the ghettos.
• freedom at workers peeking in the windows at my TV, or novel, or radio, or curling iron, etc
• The 2x2 church which I became a member of was an organisation. It had an HQ and a mailing address and produced a little book of member's names and telephone numbers
• (Workers live with) those who "open their homes", violating the trust, sanctity, sacred intimacy, and the sacred father and the sacred mother figure.
• After much prayer and meditation, it seemed to me that the one doing the baptism was God. The workers simply held my head in the creek.
• In the 1960’s or 1970’s the workers initiated the “quietness program” before the start of meetings.
• 70-something years old elder's wife quipped to our overseer, "Oh - pish! Do you think we women can't tell when a man has a hard-on through his jeans? Where is the modesty there?"
• Professing ladies' buns fall down in car accidents.
• Professing people deceive and advocate deceit when they pretend they drink alcohol by carrying round a half empty glass.
• New people coming to gospel meetings who endure off-key mournful singing are hardly going to view that "difference" as Godly, perhaps the opposite
• One person wasn't accepted into the work because of his teeth.
• 84 year old lady upset in confrontation with a worker for having family pictures instead of worker pictures on her piano.
• As a kid it embarrassed me that men carried their bibles and hymn books in handbags to Sunday meetings.
• Some are groomed to be workers because they may not be able to get real jobs or are too ugly to find a mate.
• Workers criticize clergy for wearing clerical garb but we see so many brother workers wearing tight, grey cardigans.
• In the olden days, the workers would have crashed a party on Saturday night.
• Professing boy streaked at the football game
• The workers do not claim to be "penniless." They were to get their money out of the "mouths of the fish they caught."
• I wanted to rip my clothes off and go outside to enjoy the day that God gave than sit in dressy clothes around a dining room table talking about workers.
• These days Workers delay baptizing teenagers to show the youth who is boss.
• Workers don’t raise the dead.
• In my 2x2 childhood cracking your knuckles was pure evil.
• A 2x2 child was told that black people are the curse of Ham for looking at Noah
• A Worker or Overseer said some ladies leaving a church wearing pant suits were surely going to hell
• Membership of the 2x2 way has increased only slightly or started to decline because God only requires 144,000 souls.
• Workers have cell phones. Jesus doesn't have a phone. You can just talk right to Him anytime, any place.
• George Peterson said Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothing to deprive him of his human nature.
• Friend was told to pray for his former wife’s death rather than bother the workers with requests to remarry
• If you only need a building just once a year then your church is not very blessed by God.
• In recent times TV is okay by all accounts and watched in holes by workers.
• Professing lady stepped over her husband's body (not professing) to go to Sunday meeting
• Workers prevent people from bursting forth in the Holy Spirit by restricting their time to give testimonies.
Best cognitive dissonance quotes to date:
• I'll just stick to the facts and read the books on the 2x2s. Happy Feet (re conversation about the many books demonstrating Paul was the originator of Christianity)
• I think some workers and some friends are a bit naive as to the dangers that can befall human beings. This could be because they are a bit sheltered from the world and the realities of the world
• Yes, all the individual churches are one church.
• One way to enhance the value of an object is to make it a limited edition (or distribution, in this case). Perhaps that is the reason. (re “Why are convention speaking lists so “secretive”)
• The fellowship needs to encourage young people to enter by thanking workers when they leave.
• … exclusivity amongst the overseers is probably not an elephant in the room because it is the sacred cow.
• They never told me that the truth fellowship went back to the shores of Galilee. Of course it can be argued that they never told me it didn't, so therefore perpetuated a lie.
• the abomination is not in what they wear. It says what they do is the abomination.
• No Godly spirit has a spirit of criticism.
• The church in the home, and the preacher without a home" is not what saves us. Salvation is knowing God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, hearing and obeying God's word.
• "The true church" is not in the Bible.
• I don't care for Bert's lists very much because it seems like he uses them to degrade people.
• William Irvine founded the F&W's sect upon the Matthew 10 principle. Some other Christian churches are founded upon the chief corner stone, Jesus Christ
• The vast majority of what you see as contradictions are not. They are merely two separate true statements sitting side by side.
• If workers preached Jesus only then it wouldn't matter about the history (of Irvine).
• And there is a lot of bare leg and cleavage. Young women are quite sexy, which I don't think Christians of any denomination would approve of.
• It was Paul and not the BIBLE who said what he said about woman's subjection and several other things related to women.
• It's amazing how many people will try to live solely by the bible, and ignore what's been written on our hearts.
• (Regards copying the example of the New Testament church) A copy is a counterfeit. I prefer the real thing.
• (In reply to “Workers often ask the friends to have brief testimonies”) and this is another way workers show they are more important than everyone else because they don't have to condense their thoughts to fit into 1 or 2 minutes.
• The same fear that keeps so many young folks from going into the work often keeps workers from leaving the work.
• There was a high level of sell about going into the work. Single people were targeted with the message of considering the noblest thing in life… To not consider going into the work, if you were young and single, was almost tantamount to going against God's will for your life… A quite subtle recruiting campaign …
• The only way that the worker way cares about the inside of a person is that they have to make themselves meek, child-like, willing, with a soft heart, all of which means being open to conforming to the worker rules and then they call this conforming the work of God on a person's life.
• God does not do religion
• God wants me to look like the world except modest to show a difference by His Spirit, not by outward appearance.
• Just because a pastor gets paid doesn't make him a hireling.
• Workers should never talk about what is wasting time if they are not prepared to offer lots of activities that makes time productive.
• With a Sunday meeting, a Wednesday meeting and two gospel meetings the friends don't have a chance to let the spirit of Christ work.
• I sometimes spoke about my disbelief in the trinity in the meeting. The workers warned me to believe in the trinity or go, so I went.
• Convention buildings and land belong to the workers. But it is not on a deed so therefore there is no tracing of it.
• They are stupid in wanting proof for what is clearly hearsay against them.
• Being ignorant of secret happenings within 2x2ism is a form of evidence there is something secret going on.
• Every member is aware of the suppression system, but part of being 'faithful', is denying that you are aware of it.
• The Bible says few find eternal life and this lead some of the 2x2’s to believe they are in the “narrow way” because they are few in number.
Most revealing quotes.
• can't even imagine relying on TMB for a helpful therapeutic experience! Granted, it is cheap--but you are likely getting what you pay for --very little that will assist or uplift most people here.
• I'm hearing the "Will of God" preached a lot from workers holding gospel meetings. Anybody have an idea what this means?
• Paul's writings are FOR THE MOST PART compassionate and helpful.
• I see little in the sheep nature which is commendable.
• Seems Paul is the ruler of Christianity, eh? Everthing in Christian denominations gets measured by Paul's thoughts and commands.
• The history of the church has been recorded by those who are no longer members. South-by-Southwest.
• Irvine founded the organization, not the method.
• The preaching of the workers was entertainment. These days, TV and movies are more entertaining
• Perhaps Jesus erred in pushing the Messiah idea...or perhaps his disciples so admired him that they erred in pushing the Messiah title upon him.
• If you take your doctrine only from the New Testament, your doctrine is going to be incomplete.
• There are lots of examples of Luke's imagination gone wild, but I confess it's the crazy impossibilities of Acts that taints my view of Luke as much as anything.
• Paul's invention, I think we can agree, was more radical than Irvine's.
• Anything that diminishes love is ungodly and deceitful -- including the hopeless religious attempts of bible-toter's to build and maintain love on the foundation of a marriage certificate
• God in the Old Testament did not have a great track record with the physical side of things.
• Several books of the bible seem to have been written under the influence of some sort of hallucinogenic.
• The flawed premise states that the 1st century church is the perfect pattern which is to be emulated in all details for all time. This is one of the primary fundamentals of the F&W church.
• 2x2's can be as wicked as they want to be when they get on the internet boards and don’t have to show respect.
I wish to add that I don't necessarily disbelieve these quotes - it's just that they sound so funny.
I included Ram's " Irvinism is idolatry" because many of us are accused here of not knowing the man, yet Irvine (Chief Exe) seems to be the Most Honored Guest right here on the TMB.
Most hilarious quote.
(Re Using KINDLE to find bible verses during meeting) ... I didn't need to be posting on that debate...but still, when someone said it should not be allowed because 'someone's salvation might be at stake,' I had to go floss my teeth to keep from posting. HBerry
Funniest quotes.
One of the workers in our area used to teach that you didn't watch TV because if you did, you were supporting the beer commercials. Hberry
(at a hot convention) ... self righteous lady noticed the other lady wasn't wearing nylons, and asked her "so you're not wearing nylons?" The lady replied "no - its very hot in here" the lady shook her head and said "Truth is almost gone" and walked away. Johndough
Kennion Coleman some years later voiced out loud to me his observation that workers write letters to get more money. Why are these workers not put in the same category as "false prophets" and kicked out of the work? TS
(at a hot convention) ... self righteous lady noticed the other lady wasn't wearing nylons, and asked her "so you're not wearing nylons?" The lady replied "no - its very hot in here" the lady shook her head and said "Truth is almost gone" and walked away. Johndough
Kennion Coleman some years later voiced out loud to me his observation that workers write letters to get more money. Why are these workers not put in the same category as "false prophets" and kicked out of the work? TS
Best Missing-The-Point quote.
… if the friends feel pious over not owning a TV, how about an Old Order Ammish who does without electricty? Walker1903
Most interesting quotes.
Ringing up asking to come for a meal, or to stay in someone's home is the same as asking for money. HappyFeet
Rule-preaching is a sign of failure of the preachers/leaders/guides of any group. Clearday
If you read the KJV you might roast eternally. The second one (The Message translation) is wide open to a range of possibilities. But eternal Hell is not one of them, if you believe that God is fundamentally just. What
Jesus may have warned about "our own eyes", but he was downright furious about people worrying about someone else's eyes. What
Rule-preaching is a sign of failure of the preachers/leaders/guides of any group. Clearday
If you read the KJV you might roast eternally. The second one (The Message translation) is wide open to a range of possibilities. But eternal Hell is not one of them, if you believe that God is fundamentally just. What
Jesus may have warned about "our own eyes", but he was downright furious about people worrying about someone else's eyes. What
Best cognitive dissonance quote.
Irvinism is idolatry. Ram
They (Workers) wanted to visit me when I told them I was leaving meetings though. It wasn't because they cared for my soul, it was to set me "straight". Msew
The relationships (Workers) are more a cultural phenomenon rather than a spiritual phenomenon, in most cases. TS
Correction is good for all of us, but with a hierarchical system there's a power difference that means correction can only come from higher in the hierarchy. Fixit
Creating new fellowships is not about divisions it about feeling that God is leading them to start up another fellowship. They feel God is calling them out on their own often. Mary
They (Workers) wanted to visit me when I told them I was leaving meetings though. It wasn't because they cared for my soul, it was to set me "straight". Msew
The relationships (Workers) are more a cultural phenomenon rather than a spiritual phenomenon, in most cases. TS
Correction is good for all of us, but with a hierarchical system there's a power difference that means correction can only come from higher in the hierarchy. Fixit
Creating new fellowships is not about divisions it about feeling that God is leading them to start up another fellowship. They feel God is calling them out on their own often. Mary
Best unsubstantiated quotes
Romans was often skipped (Wednesday subjects) because the book discussed grace, liberty, etc. Walker1903
The workers didn't need a TV. So they banned the TV. Workers needed E Mail, for airplane tickets, etc. so they allowed the internet... If the workers didn't need it, it is wrong. If the workers needed it, it is OK. Walker1903
Followed immediately by:
Guess that's about it. Snow
I was amazed to see that even so early on they were accused of not preaching love....which they still don't (at least around here) Hberry
... the big letter writers get more money, and undoubtedly the more outgoing, popular workers also get more money. Workers of a higher status will also get more money, ie the overseer, the convention organizer, the brother worker (vs sister worker), as well as the worker with a large, well-off professing family behind them.There is nothing particularly virtuous or fair in that. Clearday
Many other religions have the same (Christ) consciousness they just don't call it 'Christ'. He also was against judging others and I would imagine that meant other religions also? Snow
The workers didn't need a TV. So they banned the TV. Workers needed E Mail, for airplane tickets, etc. so they allowed the internet... If the workers didn't need it, it is wrong. If the workers needed it, it is OK. Walker1903
Followed immediately by:
Guess that's about it. Snow
I was amazed to see that even so early on they were accused of not preaching love....which they still don't (at least around here) Hberry
... the big letter writers get more money, and undoubtedly the more outgoing, popular workers also get more money. Workers of a higher status will also get more money, ie the overseer, the convention organizer, the brother worker (vs sister worker), as well as the worker with a large, well-off professing family behind them.There is nothing particularly virtuous or fair in that. Clearday
Many other religions have the same (Christ) consciousness they just don't call it 'Christ'. He also was against judging others and I would imagine that meant other religions also? Snow
Funniest winners to date:
• brothers worker and sisters workers replacing glasses with contacts.
• Many of these old folks mean well. They are nearing the end of the journey and fear a "lost eternity" if they think too deep about their sacred beliefs.
• ... convention workers flee to their quarters.
• The workers have their version of the KJ Bible but unlike the JWs they are afraid to print it.
• Workers salt slugs.
• The F&W church is not a registered entity for tax compliance.
• I've stopped believing in a pass/fail system.
• Male workers apparently have to wear gold-toe socks. It's like one of those unwritten rules I think.
• The Truth fellowship meetings originated from England in the late 1800s and seems to be stuck in the traditions of that era. From the quiet room, handshake after meeting, to the dress code, black bible cases and dark suites…
• Folks make sure the beer bottles in the fridge are concealed when the workers come.
• One of the justifications that the workers will use is that the workers not having a home are cheaper to maintain.
• One worker stated … if you read funny papers from the newspaper on Sunday after fellowship meetings you were DEAD
• The only thing that the "J-O-Y" sermon produces, if taken to heart, is a bunch of dejected, self deprecating people trying to compete for last position. It is difficult to detect the joyful glint in that setup.
• Perhaps in the next 50 years, machine sheds will be history, and people will be saying, "Free at last, free at last."
• … the first workers begin to realize "hey, we're going to need to make some of our new converts into supporters for us." And thus the lower level of "friends or saints" was formed.
• There have been a number of death threats recorded (by the Workers) but no evidence that murder has yet taken place.
• … the norm in the meetings -Watching TV programs outside electrical shopfronts so that you can pretend you have a TV at school/work.
• One of the tenets of one organization is "get the new inductee to do something illegal, no matter how minor, and they are yours." This is basically how it works in the work.
• Workers ally themselves with sycophantic princes and princesses. The princes and princesses lord it over the peasants and have no care and no mercy towards them.
• (There are) certain diets, vitamins, and health practices used among the friends and workers. These are done so that professing folks stay slim and have that certain "professing" image.
• Moral assassinations are generally malicious gossip produced when competition is perceived for a professing privilege, and one professing person REALLY wants to win.
• There are more rules/pressures for professing females than for professing males. This could be due to there being more females than males - the bigger the group, the more competition to be noticed by others.
• Faith Mission was started by the founder being highly influenced by the Holiness movement. It's not surprising, with the Irvine using Faith Mission's style, that 2x2 women resemble Holiness women. Sort of a parent/child resemblance.
• My folks are comfortably off but weren't rich enough to be considered good enough to be associated with (the 2x2’s)
• I knew of workers who would visit friends' homes (including elders homes) when no one was home and go through closets and drawers and then later confront them with their findings.
• The arrogant, evil workers are not trash from the past.... They are a very real and present danger.
• … now that the workers have amassed lots of money, the friends are expendable.
• The term "this way" has become popular in recent years.
• I even heard somebody give a testimony about the "diverse temptations" being mermaids. Figure that one out.
• Some old school workers and friends still preach and teach that being happy is a sign of something wrong in your service to the Lord.
• Mr. Wm. Irvine is the Standard
• "Preaching of the cross?" Few workers do that and even those who do hardly touch on the subject.
• (There are) many indirect references to Jesus in meetings - that I found strange because why the avoidance of using his actual name.
• Try to convince an outsider that workers don't really have homes when they spend so much time on the convention grounds
• I don't think our particular form of doing church is anywhere to be found in Acts.
• Last big change in U.S. that I heard was no more praying into the chairs.
• (re definition of the “narrow way”) A narrow way, so narrow every person must walk it one at a time. No loving God would decree that people be stoned for any reason.
• The F&Ws have all the latest devices so they no longer have a "competitive advantage" on the supposed holiness that comes from not having a TV.
• It looks like people like to still have a sort of priesthood. That is an old notion that has stayed with us. A notion likely, again, preserved by the Catholic Church and handed to the protestants. So the workers hung on to it also.
• (re ownership of a TV) … inspired jealousy in those who did not possess such things. Jealousy, the green eyed monster is what needed preaching against and not every novel item of technology. IMO.
• It would seem in the Christian dimension there are workaholics, and there are graceaholics. The workaholics work themselves to death and then receive their reward, the graceaholics chill by the pool with a cold one, and receive the same reward.
• Try to get a worker or much less an overseer to leave conventions to go and help one person. I have tried. I get the same response with several overseers. "Too busy"
• When a senior worker asserted that King James English is "honorific English" it seemed best to leave him in his ignorance
• I think one thing I did not learn while in the fellowship and that was the desperate need to pray that God would increase my faith in Jesus Christ
• A worker once said to me "our usefulness is in fitting in". That could be said for any dictatorship.
• The Joe average six pack worker lives a double life.
• Most 2x2s wouldn't stop to help like the Samaritan did -- it would make them late for gospel meeting
• 2x2 sister workers are too homely to attract mates
• Workers asked us to trade bedrooms because they felt ours was warmer than theirs.
• It's unfortunate that we have to rely on the hymns to keep Jesus in the meetings.
• What God has preserved in our Bible hardly compares to what a few people have researched about the church history
• Peasants in South America who brought bread in from the fields to meetings, which was far richer and more wholesome than the workers got from their (King James's) bibles
• I get frustrated when I hear preachers begging for money to support themselves and the missions abroad
• Newsflash! Jesus was God; the word made flesh. Workers are just, well...workers.
• Workers over here back in the 60's believed they were Jesus in the 20th century. After all, he was only a man....and are we!
• Seems like I remember there is a worker that owns some oil wells in Texas.
• The fact that the original 12 didn't go out 2x2 probably explains why there is no evidence that 2x2 was part of the Acts of the Apostles.
• I submit they (workers) are referring to their choice to be celibate ministers is what gives them their alleged special revelation and authority.
• I would imagine that skipping gospel meetings is sending a pretty strong message to some of the workers. If people aren't willing to go listen to the same ol' same ol', it won't be long before the homes open to them becomes fewer also.
• … facing one's fear with positive views/input is the way to overcome the false guilt that the professing woman's uniform has instilled in many women.
• It seems to me that the friends steer clear of scriptural discussions as they subconsciously realise that they will be out of their depth…
• We have heard different accounts of how dogs wouldn't bark when saints enter the meeting home
• I have personally attended many, hundreds, of gospel meetings where Christ was not mentioned at all.
• I know some women who wouldn’t shave under their arms without asking the workers permission first.
• Forcing children to eat is considered part of breaking their wills and teaching them to submit to parental authority. If they refuse or cannot, the workers view it as rebellion.
• They (the women) submit to the men of the group who tend to wear dark-colored clothes and carry black-covered King James Versions of the Bible.
• I think that fear of reprisal is a big reason for the turnout (at convention)
• Wasn't Willie Irvine a coal miner before he found the mother lode in the pockets of his followers?
• Yes, the 2x2's will continue. But in the will be left, the other taken.
• Workers drown cats.
• The 2x2 copy and paste bible is not in my library anymore.
• The fact is the more I focus on Christ, the less I go to the gospel meetings because I really don't hear about Him there. The more I focus on Jesus the less I want to go to Sunday AM meeting because He isn't the focus He needs to be.
• I suggested (to a worker) that you can never go wrong preaching about salvation. He looked at me like I had 3 eyeballs and said "that's a subject that would REALLY get me in trouble".
• In our town those who had the intention to get baptized used to get a list of do's and don’ts before they qualify
• (re workers) The friend's bedrooms are safer and more comfortable than the ghettos.
• freedom at workers peeking in the windows at my TV, or novel, or radio, or curling iron, etc
• The 2x2 church which I became a member of was an organisation. It had an HQ and a mailing address and produced a little book of member's names and telephone numbers
• (Workers live with) those who "open their homes", violating the trust, sanctity, sacred intimacy, and the sacred father and the sacred mother figure.
• After much prayer and meditation, it seemed to me that the one doing the baptism was God. The workers simply held my head in the creek.
• In the 1960’s or 1970’s the workers initiated the “quietness program” before the start of meetings.
• 70-something years old elder's wife quipped to our overseer, "Oh - pish! Do you think we women can't tell when a man has a hard-on through his jeans? Where is the modesty there?"
• Professing ladies' buns fall down in car accidents.
• Professing people deceive and advocate deceit when they pretend they drink alcohol by carrying round a half empty glass.
• New people coming to gospel meetings who endure off-key mournful singing are hardly going to view that "difference" as Godly, perhaps the opposite
• One person wasn't accepted into the work because of his teeth.
• 84 year old lady upset in confrontation with a worker for having family pictures instead of worker pictures on her piano.
• As a kid it embarrassed me that men carried their bibles and hymn books in handbags to Sunday meetings.
• Some are groomed to be workers because they may not be able to get real jobs or are too ugly to find a mate.
• Workers criticize clergy for wearing clerical garb but we see so many brother workers wearing tight, grey cardigans.
• In the olden days, the workers would have crashed a party on Saturday night.
• Professing boy streaked at the football game
• The workers do not claim to be "penniless." They were to get their money out of the "mouths of the fish they caught."
• I wanted to rip my clothes off and go outside to enjoy the day that God gave than sit in dressy clothes around a dining room table talking about workers.
• These days Workers delay baptizing teenagers to show the youth who is boss.
• Workers don’t raise the dead.
• In my 2x2 childhood cracking your knuckles was pure evil.
• A 2x2 child was told that black people are the curse of Ham for looking at Noah
• A Worker or Overseer said some ladies leaving a church wearing pant suits were surely going to hell
• Membership of the 2x2 way has increased only slightly or started to decline because God only requires 144,000 souls.
• Workers have cell phones. Jesus doesn't have a phone. You can just talk right to Him anytime, any place.
• George Peterson said Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothing to deprive him of his human nature.
• Friend was told to pray for his former wife’s death rather than bother the workers with requests to remarry
• If you only need a building just once a year then your church is not very blessed by God.
• In recent times TV is okay by all accounts and watched in holes by workers.
• Professing lady stepped over her husband's body (not professing) to go to Sunday meeting
• Workers prevent people from bursting forth in the Holy Spirit by restricting their time to give testimonies.
Best cognitive dissonance quotes to date:
• I'll just stick to the facts and read the books on the 2x2s. Happy Feet (re conversation about the many books demonstrating Paul was the originator of Christianity)
• I think some workers and some friends are a bit naive as to the dangers that can befall human beings. This could be because they are a bit sheltered from the world and the realities of the world
• Yes, all the individual churches are one church.
• One way to enhance the value of an object is to make it a limited edition (or distribution, in this case). Perhaps that is the reason. (re “Why are convention speaking lists so “secretive”)
• The fellowship needs to encourage young people to enter by thanking workers when they leave.
• … exclusivity amongst the overseers is probably not an elephant in the room because it is the sacred cow.
• They never told me that the truth fellowship went back to the shores of Galilee. Of course it can be argued that they never told me it didn't, so therefore perpetuated a lie.
• the abomination is not in what they wear. It says what they do is the abomination.
• No Godly spirit has a spirit of criticism.
• The church in the home, and the preacher without a home" is not what saves us. Salvation is knowing God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, hearing and obeying God's word.
• "The true church" is not in the Bible.
• I don't care for Bert's lists very much because it seems like he uses them to degrade people.
• William Irvine founded the F&W's sect upon the Matthew 10 principle. Some other Christian churches are founded upon the chief corner stone, Jesus Christ
• The vast majority of what you see as contradictions are not. They are merely two separate true statements sitting side by side.
• If workers preached Jesus only then it wouldn't matter about the history (of Irvine).
• And there is a lot of bare leg and cleavage. Young women are quite sexy, which I don't think Christians of any denomination would approve of.
• It was Paul and not the BIBLE who said what he said about woman's subjection and several other things related to women.
• It's amazing how many people will try to live solely by the bible, and ignore what's been written on our hearts.
• (Regards copying the example of the New Testament church) A copy is a counterfeit. I prefer the real thing.
• (In reply to “Workers often ask the friends to have brief testimonies”) and this is another way workers show they are more important than everyone else because they don't have to condense their thoughts to fit into 1 or 2 minutes.
• The same fear that keeps so many young folks from going into the work often keeps workers from leaving the work.
• There was a high level of sell about going into the work. Single people were targeted with the message of considering the noblest thing in life… To not consider going into the work, if you were young and single, was almost tantamount to going against God's will for your life… A quite subtle recruiting campaign …
• The only way that the worker way cares about the inside of a person is that they have to make themselves meek, child-like, willing, with a soft heart, all of which means being open to conforming to the worker rules and then they call this conforming the work of God on a person's life.
• God does not do religion
• God wants me to look like the world except modest to show a difference by His Spirit, not by outward appearance.
• Just because a pastor gets paid doesn't make him a hireling.
• Workers should never talk about what is wasting time if they are not prepared to offer lots of activities that makes time productive.
• With a Sunday meeting, a Wednesday meeting and two gospel meetings the friends don't have a chance to let the spirit of Christ work.
• I sometimes spoke about my disbelief in the trinity in the meeting. The workers warned me to believe in the trinity or go, so I went.
• Convention buildings and land belong to the workers. But it is not on a deed so therefore there is no tracing of it.
• They are stupid in wanting proof for what is clearly hearsay against them.
• Being ignorant of secret happenings within 2x2ism is a form of evidence there is something secret going on.
• Every member is aware of the suppression system, but part of being 'faithful', is denying that you are aware of it.
• The Bible says few find eternal life and this lead some of the 2x2’s to believe they are in the “narrow way” because they are few in number.
Most revealing quotes.
• can't even imagine relying on TMB for a helpful therapeutic experience! Granted, it is cheap--but you are likely getting what you pay for --very little that will assist or uplift most people here.
• I'm hearing the "Will of God" preached a lot from workers holding gospel meetings. Anybody have an idea what this means?
• Paul's writings are FOR THE MOST PART compassionate and helpful.
• I see little in the sheep nature which is commendable.
• Seems Paul is the ruler of Christianity, eh? Everthing in Christian denominations gets measured by Paul's thoughts and commands.
• The history of the church has been recorded by those who are no longer members. South-by-Southwest.
• Irvine founded the organization, not the method.
• The preaching of the workers was entertainment. These days, TV and movies are more entertaining
• Perhaps Jesus erred in pushing the Messiah idea...or perhaps his disciples so admired him that they erred in pushing the Messiah title upon him.
• If you take your doctrine only from the New Testament, your doctrine is going to be incomplete.
• There are lots of examples of Luke's imagination gone wild, but I confess it's the crazy impossibilities of Acts that taints my view of Luke as much as anything.
• Paul's invention, I think we can agree, was more radical than Irvine's.
• Anything that diminishes love is ungodly and deceitful -- including the hopeless religious attempts of bible-toter's to build and maintain love on the foundation of a marriage certificate
• God in the Old Testament did not have a great track record with the physical side of things.
• Several books of the bible seem to have been written under the influence of some sort of hallucinogenic.
• The flawed premise states that the 1st century church is the perfect pattern which is to be emulated in all details for all time. This is one of the primary fundamentals of the F&W church.
• 2x2's can be as wicked as they want to be when they get on the internet boards and don’t have to show respect.