For posterity...
Mar 27, 2006 at 10:31am WA Professing Friend said:
The start of this thread was not by me. It was a statement "amazing how he promotes meetings when he doesn't even attend. talk about a fraud "
Hey, Witch why don't you post the LINK so the readers can read the WHOLE thread and see how the readers nail this WA Professing friends to the Cross. I see you don't post too much during the DAY anymore! No more posting on the Company Computer time? You been ripping off your company time for years stalking me on TMB during the day for a long, long time. You're a bad, Witch. They are finally go to let you go, you had your fun for years, it's about time.Let us go back to your WA professing friend.... Here is what the readers wrote about your WA professing friend posts.1) Guest: It is my understanding that if Nathan COULD get to meetings, then he WOULD get to meetings. You SHOULD never judge a book by its cover. Always look at the contents.
2) another guest: here's a big, "SO WHAT"
3) A drive by shooter: In my eyes he is not professing any longer
Ithascome: What does God see?
4) InnocentQ wrote to WA friend: And who are you? Do you share with the workers your participation on these forums? For your creditability, please share information of who you are, such as full name and the city you go to meeting in!
WA friend said: Irrelevant to the issue
InnocentQ: To you, maybe? You are truly despicable as a person and claiming your profession in Christ (albeit your profession is to man, that I am assured of). In other words, just because you get to lots of meetings and speak in them, doesn't mean you are professing as you say you are, AND just because Nathan doesn't have all the opportunities to get to meetings as you, doesn't mean his isn't professing as he say he is PERIOD!
Methink, this isnt the place nor is this for us to really know... our relationship is between us and God! As for gossip, that is what it is....Some people need to get a life, so they stay out of others' life. i.e. MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS
5) Ithascome to WA friend: WA professing friend ... you are no friend... you are a snake.
No you were accused of not being a friend... a snake hides and strikes without warning. If Nathan did go to meeting with you ... how could you ever have fellowship with him? ... are you suppose to love your brother? I think I love Nathan more than you do. You are right ... I do not know you and I am not sure I would ever want to.
6) To WA friend: You "professing wonder" in WA, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE A BROTHER? Do you think that regular meeting attendance makes you somewhat more "righteous" to point your finger in someone else's face.? I THINK YOU SHOULD STAY HOME! Pray for a better attitude (like the mind of Christ).
~~Nathan to WA friend: You say you know me professing WA friend. So, why don't you tell me who you are and your real name. I will tell you if you really know me personally or you just know me through hearsays, rumors and from your own assumption.
WA.. professing friend. How did you know me? did I preach in your field. Did you know me by seeing me at the gospel meetings? By reading your own story about me it seems you barely know me at all.
Most of the readers on these message boards "KNOW" my story and situation. Do you consider yourself a "true" or "professing" 2x2 because you attend more of the workers meetings than me?
Why? do you look only the outward things or appearances that only the eyes can see? Can you what are in my heart? Do you know anything about my private life spiritually?
Are you saying you are more holier and righteous than me because you attend more 2x2s meetings than me? Do you believe the workers' meetings "Attendance" will save you from a lost eternity or it is putting your Faith in Jesus Christ? How about having personal relationship with God does that count?
I do keep in touch with the workers and the 2x2s friends around the world through the Internet. I am not out of the circle as you think. I know what is going now within the 2x2s fellowship and ministry more now than when I was a worker. ~~ Do you really believe in heaven God will count how many Gospel and Sunday meetings you have attended before he let you in?
What happen to the friends and workers who are shut ins or staying in nursing homes? Are they lost because they can't attend or get to the meetings? Don't you think God can see and know their hearts better than you?
From WA to Nathan: So far many responses to what I have posted have been very pointed nasty remarks. I do not believe that I have judged NB. I have responded to the original post of this thread and feel he does misrepresent. I have ask him to tell the truth about just how much he really goes or care about meetings.
Since I live very near I do know very well what is happening. I did write that not going to meetings was OK with me as far as NB's choices. I had no fault with it. His once in a great moon meeting attendance is not the issue. My response was directed to the fact that NB does promote his web site and implies support for the Truth fellowship. NB does promote that he is still very much in the fellowship. This is not true.
The workers which I have asked about his site say they do not agree with it -- with an added they do not want to get involved which is only a correct response. The issues of NB and his leaving the work and meetings goes back some time. His departure involved impart his getting married (His new wife did not embrace the belief structure). There was personal conflicts with some of the workers like Howard Mooney, Tom Hinkle and then there was input years back from Kenneth Beckman, Bonnie Sikes and others. There is input from the workers today which is of skepticism as to his intentions. Even the old elder Wicks years ago felt bad for the lacking commitment of NB. The history and time has not changed.
Now as to the friends. We stay silent so that we might still interface with NB when we do see him. However, that is very rare. Not one Worker has endorsed his web site nor his ideas. Very few of the friends see him.
Point my finger in his face. Well yes I agree this is. But, I am not the one coming on this TMB and telling everybody how much I am in fellowship with the F&W. Nor am I promoting ideas on a web site and implying that the F&W approve of it.
NB has much time when he could go to bible study, Gospel meetings and others. He chooses not to because he does not believe in meeting attendance. So here is the issue. In fact he has been on the Internet when Gospel meetings were on.
He says one thing, tries to get others to believe him on this forum and others, but in reality does not believe nor practice what he says. That in my book is deception. From what I know he avoids having workers even visit him. His work issue is a cop out. He has a lot more time than he says. Call me all the names you want. Make all the nasty remarks you want about me. One suggestion though---Go ask the workers in his area if they believe he is still a member of the Workers fellowship. You don't have to believe me.
NB in my opinion has a very soft spirit. I just agree with the beginning of this thread. NB is deceiving others and himself. We believe he should evaluate his own motives and actions. He is not different than WI. He believe that he was called by God to fight the exes and help expose them as tares. Humm What---
Nothing more will be said on the subject by me.
Think you from
WA Professing Friend.
Believe what you will
~~ Nathan to WA friend: You live in a neighboring state, another field, different staff, different overseers and you believe/THINK you know all about me and my situation in Portland 13 yrs ago? WOW.... You just come over to Oregon side to attend the gospel meetings or convention once in awhile when you can. Do you KNOW me personally? or my personal life but you judge me from what you hear and what you "THINK" you know.
You're unbelievable... Where in the world did you get your information from WA professing friend. My family and I just had supper with the sister workers in my field two months ago. We will have another supper dinner with them again soon. I went to Gresham brothers workers Sunday Gospel meetings in the evenings (7PM) when I get off from work early.
I see the worker and visit with many of the friends and workers at Boring conventions every year. Sometimes I went to the workers' guests house to chat with the visiting workers, and the local workers at conventions. I do keep in touch with some of the Oregon workers.
To begin with, as others have mentioned in their posts, you're talking about me and my meetings attendance situation which is none of your business. You don't know much about what is going with my life or my family.
Yes, I hope in the future you don't talk about people's personal things when you don't know too much of, please. Some of the workers in Oregon know and support my website. I have asked different workers around the world to read the information on my website and they have NOT say one "negative" thing about it.
To WA professing friends.. Please, stop spreading gossips, hearsays, rumors, half-truth stories that you heard from second hand.... This is one of the SADDEST problems within the 2x2s church which I read some of the former friends on this message board are complaining about "certain" professing friend and some workers like to gossips, spreading rumors which are not true about them.
~~~ You say, "Believe what you will"..... I say let the readers be the judge between what you posted about me and mine own words.
Hi All,
May I tentatively make a comment here. I don't know NB and I don't know WA professing friend but reading this thread the words of Jesus came to me "If they be not against us then they are with us" WA all any of us can do is post what we perceive and believe, anything else would be lying to ourselves and before God.
Not all within the fellowship believe everything that is put before them by the workers explicitly, some of their tenants are their and others interpretation and as we each read and study the bible we come to different conclusions about some aspects. This is healthy as it causes us to really study the word and try to gain an individual understanding and relationship with God. If you agree with everything you hear from all in the fellowship then
Maybe.... just maybe you need to examine yourself as to whether you are just following blindly or if you are developing a personal relationship with God. If on examination you find this is what you understand and in your relationship have these things made clear to your understanding then more power to you and I am wrapped for you and the unity you experience in the fellowship.
But please be careful in calling out one who is in fellowship with us, it speaks of a word in season and if you have anything against NB why not email him personally first, it says in the bible to go to your brother first in private.
NB Hi Brother,Don't be discouraged. I work shift work also 2 x 12 hr nights then 2 x 12 hr days so I only get 4 Sundays out of 8 if I am lucky. But I am really blessed in that I have a wonderful bunch of F&W around that understand and help and encourage me. Is going to meeting critical to our salvation? No I believe not, but it helps and encourages us and Jesus said not to forsake the gathering together. I know this means in any form of fellowship, so if you have chosen the F&W then we shouldn't forsake that.
Thanks for reading fellas I would like to encourage you both to show the fruits of the spirit and promote good will to all men and love each other in spite of who you are.
Love and Regards BC
InnocentQ wrote to BC: Thank you...this is a person who has Christ within and Jesus shines forth! Amen. If I was fellowshipping with you, I would miss your words of encouragement on the days you weren't with us in church. God Bless.....we need more fellow person like you!
From Liz to BC: If all 2x2-ers would heed your words, there would be less gossip & less judgement in your fellowship! Even when I was a 2x2-er,
I never felt meeting attendance was a 'salvation issue'. Pefect meeting attendance garnered worker approval and the label of being 'hearty'. It had NOTHING to do with my individual walk & relationship I was striving to have with God. I was a faithful attendee b/c I was seeking the approval of others. (that's not the easiest thing to admit, even years later).
Agreeing with everything that's said without thorough examination, can cause one to 'follow blindly'. We were given brains for a reason - to use!